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As a 501c3 non-profit, City Living NY exists through the generosity of individual contributors, corporations, foundations, and some limited government funding. In order to serve the hundreds of youth that leave foster care each year without a significant adult connection in their life, we need your help. The only way we can reach them all is with the generosity of donors like you. There are several great ways you can help.

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You can purchase an item from our amazon smile account which will help one of our youths.

Every year 600-700 young adults age-out of the foster care system in NYC. They leave with a few belongings accumulated along the way – some clothing and perhaps a few items that hold meaning to them. The lucky ones have found housing and received very basic furniture from the child welfare system that reared them.  What they do not have are essential household goods needed for cooking, sleeping or cleaning. Please consider making a purchase of starter-apartment basics like pots, pans, and bedding to fill this crucial need from our Amazon Wish List. (Be sure and put your name on the gift card to let us know about your donation or email us at This list is constantly evolving to represent the needs of our individual clients. Thank you for making an enormous difference in the life of a young person venturing out on their own!